

To get access to the list of completed LCT graduate students' theses, please visit the archive page of theses.

Job Search

Some information about job opportunities is available on this page.

Keep in Touch

LCT websites and social media pages are as listed here for our alumni.

Mailing lists

Why not join now if you are a current student or alumni and are not a member yet! The lists are used to distribute potentially relevant information, such as and expecially job announcements and similar. And of course information about the alumni associattion. Only members can post.

EMLCT Social Networks and Resources

EMLCT students and alumni have groups and resources on these social networks:


All students in the Erasmus Mundus Language and Communication Technologies program are also members of the Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Association. The EMA offers many services to its members, such as Regional and Country networks for members from particular countries, as well as professional, topical (such as Digital Humanities), and social networks (such as the LGBT network). As well, there are many events open to all members, such as the General Assembly, thematic sessions, and EMA Day, which takes place one a year in various cities around the world.

EMA has a community social network, where each EMLCT student has a profile, and membership in the EMLCT group.

The current LCT student representative can be contacted at this email address : LCT-student-rep[at]coli[dot]uni-saarland[dot]de

Each year, a new student is elected as the Course Representative, who represents the interests of the student at the General Assembly, and at each university in the consortium. The elections are held generally in December/January, please monitor the EMA home page for updates for the respective year:

The EMLCT Reps are:


LCT European Masters: Graduation Ceremony and Annual Meeting 2019: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Graduation Ceremony 2018 - Erasmus Mundus Programme (University of Lorraine (formerly Nancy 2), France)

Graduation Ceremony 2017 - Erasmus Mundus Programme ( Malta )

Graduation Ceremony 2016 - LCT Erasmus Mundus Program ( San Sebastian/Donostia, Spain )

Graduation Ceremony 2015 - Erasmus Mundus Programme( Groningen, Netherlands )

Graduation Ceremony 2014, University of Trento, Italy

Graduation Ceremony 2013, Saarland University, Germany

Graduation Ceremony 2012, Charles University, Czech Republic

Videos of the ceremony are available on YouTube: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Graduation Ceremony 2011, University of Lorraine, France

Graduation Ceremony 2010, University of Malta Valetta Campus, Malta

Videos of the ceremony are available on YouTube: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.